Annual Report
Women Economic and Empowerment Activities
We know that women are not given full power as the property is usually in the name of men. If women are to be empowered, properties should be in women's names. Thus we created awareness in rural areas and succeeded in creating properties in the name of women and empowering them in the society. We are happy to have created around 100 deserving students in the society by providing necessary educational equipment and materials to the economically backward students. 65 persons infected with HIV were identified and given medical advice and relief and nutritious food to make them happy. We identify 15 women who have lost their lives and livelihoods due to the worst (usurious) illegal loans in the society and provide them with security and self-employment to empower them in the society. We are creating 150 Women Self Help Groups and creating economic and empowerment for women. 200 women farmers were trained in the use of modern agricultural implements and modern agricultural implements were provided at subsidized rates.